How to Test Gold at Home with Makeup?

Testing gold at home is an old tradition that has been around for years. In olden times, people used to bite gold to test before selling it but as the tradition progressed people discovered many other methods as well.

If we look, hundreds of ways have been discovered that can tell accurately whether the gold is real or not.

Recently, a new way of testing gold has just been discovered. If you have been recently searching for how to test gold at home, there are some solid chances you might have read about it. Yes, you guessed it, it’s testing gold with makeup.

It is believed to be a harmless way of testing gold. Therefore, if you are just about to test your favorite piece of jewelry this hack is worth-trying. Here’s how you do try it;

How to Test Gold with Makeup?

To test gold with makeup, it is important to understand that not any makeup product can be used to test gold. You can only use a high-quality liquid foundation to know whether it’s real gold or not.

There might come a time when we discover other ways of testing gold with makeup as well. However, for now, you have to settle on this method of testing gold.

Read the below-mentioned guide and follow along to conclude whether it’s real gold or not;

Have all the necessities; Since gold can only be tested with foundation, you would need a high-quality foundation, beauty blender, and the piece of jewelry you wish to test. For this experiment, it is recommended to use the liquid foundation

1. Apply foundation

To test the gold apply the liquid foundation on any part of your body and blend it into your skin with a beauty blender.

2. Test the gold

test gold

Once the foundation is blended into the skin well, it’s time to put the gold to test. Rub your favorite piece of jewelry on the part of the body where you have applied the foundation. Keep doing it for 2 to 3 minutes.

3. See what happens

check reaction

If rubbing gold on the skin leaves a black streak on the skin, congratulations this is real gold. Whatever happens other than the black streak is a sign that the piece of jewelry contains some other metal, not gold.

4. Wipe off the foundation

wipe off foundation

Gold is a non-reactive metal. However, that does not mean you can keep exposing it to chemical-based products. Therefore, once the experiment is done you have to wipe off the foundation to allow the gold to keep its natural shine intact.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it true that gold can be tested with makeup?

Yes, what you have just heard/read is 100% true. Gold can be tested with makeup and the experiment “actually” gives accurate results.

How do you test gold instantly?

Well, the quickest way of testing gold is with water. All you have to do is drop the piece of jewelry in the water. If it sinks to the bottom, you can tell with complete confidence that this is real gold.

How can you check if this is real gold?

There are a million ways to check gold. To be more specific, you can check it up with water, toothpaste, baking soda, lemon, makeup, bleach, magnet, and a lot of other things.


To test gold with makeup, apply the high-quality liquid foundation on your hand and blend it into the skin.

Rub the piece of jewelry on the part of your hand you have applied foundation on, if the rubbing leaves a black streak on the skin it’s real gold. However, if the jewelry reacts some other way, you can say with 100% surety that this is not gold, but some other metal.

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